Food-Medication Interactions Windows PC Software

Food-Medication Interactions Windows PC Software

Zaneta M. Pronsky, MS, RD, LDN, FADA


Added features of FMI Windows PC Software:

The Food Medication Interactions Software contains all the information found in the Food Medication Interactions Handbook, as well as these added features:

Custom Reports:

Combine information on multiple drugs into a single report.
Select which dietary related significances to display.
Select professional report or patient information handout
   (written at 8th-10th grade educational level).
Reports can be easily edited with cut/copy, paste, and delete commands.
Information can be inserted via copy, paste commands into any word
   processor document.
Change font, point size, and color to customize these reports.

Client Database:

Use any description to save records for future reference or update.
Create a chronological patient history. Each update saved by date & time.
Recall saved records in a flash.
Save time and record keeping space.

Drug Database Screenshot
Report Editing Screenshot
Patient Information Report Screenshot
Client Database Screenshot

Order FMI Windows PC Software

Copyright © 1997-2008 Food-Medication Interactions.
Last updated: 27-Apr-2010